The random thoughts of Liz

Monday, September 26, 2005

Pneumonia! DOOOOOOOM!!!!!

*echoing dooooom* did I spell that right? pnuemonia? or is it pneumonia? or are the people at webster's actually just playing a trick on us and it's really nuemonia. it's like the q in qpizza. it's silent :3 But yes, two weeks ago I came down with a fluish thing (my temperature was up to 104.1F!!! and my normal body temperature is 97.0F!) then I got this nasty cough, and my fever wasn't breaking, so my mom came out to take me to a doctor (she drove 5 hours ;_;) and the doctor confirmed what my mom guessed, i had pneumonia. My lower section of my right lung was totally engulfed in goo and infection, it was such a bad case I almost had to go to the hospital! I had had a fever from tuesday, to monday of 101F minimum, but after I started to take medicine for da pneumonia, my fever went away and I started to get better.

however! my mom took me home for the week so that she could take care of me and I could rest. so now I'm buried in homework (you have no idea) and I'm suffering a nervous breakdown. I think I'm going to drop my French class because I have NO idea what's going on, and I dread going to it, and I hate going to it, and I randomly break out into tears thinking about it. (not that I'm not randomly breaking out into tears already from massive amounts of homework, you really have no idea) *sigh* if I could've just kept my pneumonia for another week, I probably would've had to have dropped out of college and I could go home, and that's what I really want to do. but i think once I'm back on top of things, my view will change, it's hardest to see the light when you're in the middle of the storm. heck, I can't see ANY light right now. *sigh* what to do? should I give up? or should I press on even though it makes me miserable........

oh yeah, my b-day is this wednesday, hooray for moi!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Nothing new really.....

EXCEPT FOR EVERYTHING!!! I actually completely forget about my blog until the other day when I heard some people making fun of blogs on the radio. Welll..... first off. I'm in college now! *happy dance* Currently my major is art, but I also want to combine that with journalism so that I could become... *dramatic buildup* a children's book author/illustrator! It's something I've wanted to do since I was little, and I'm pretty dern good at writing stories too. PLUUUSSS I love kids. and art, can't forget about that. so it's a win win win WIN situation. However right now I feel like I'm going to die. sersiously. I got the flu last tuesday, and wednesday, and thursday, and friday.....AND saturday...AND today! ;_; It hurts so much! I've had a fever anywhere from 100F (right now cause I'm jacked up on advil) and 104.1!!! and I NEVER get fevers. This is the biggest thing that sucking about being away from home, I wish my mom were here to take care of me. ;_; Kay, I need to finish my homework so I can go to sleeeeep before I collapse (I almost fainted last night! :D) cya!!
Liz the sick sick llama